Seeing places before they disappear

By Liz Ozaist
October 3, 2012

If you weren't depressed enough to hear that the plight of the polar bear has moved up a notch—they've been officially declared an endangered species—ProTraveller has come out with a list of 20 Cities, Islands & Countries Threatened by Global Warming. A few notables include the Great Barrier Reef (haven't been there yet), and the Galapagos (haven't made it there yet, either).

Get this, even Tokyo is threatened! It seems the waters that surround the Japanese city have been rising at five times the rate than in the rest of the world.

It made me wonder: Does news like this have any sway on how you plan your travel nowadays? And are there places you've revisited recently that you think should be on such a list?

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Contributor to anniversary issue feels like a star (sort of)

Amy Koller of Yucaipa, Calif., who wrote about her family's trip to Hong Kong for our all-reader 10th-anniversary issue, just emailed to share an amusing story... I just got the most random phone call. The caller id said "private," so it was a risk to answer it. But once I did, I was met with the most star-struck little old lady. Here's a bit of how the conversation went (events may be slightly dramatized for effect)... Me: Hello? *said with a cool air of calm wisdom* LOL (Little Old Lady): Is this Amy Koller? *voice shaking with anticipation and pure excitement* Me: Yes...? *drenched in compassionate knowing of what was about to transpire* LOL: Oh my... I'm just a little old lady from Yucaipa. I live up on Fremont Street in the mobile home park. I just got my issue of Budget Travel and I saw you in there. I'm just a little old lady from Yucaipa! *she sits to avoid fainting from the mere sound of my voice* Me: hahahaha... yes. Aren't you cute. *This was like the politician kissing the local babies... just keepin' it real* LOL: Oh my... I'm just a little old lady and I've lived in Yucaipa for so long and I saw it in the magazine! *probably just forgot to mention that she was more excited about talking to me than about seeing the name of her city in a magazine* Me: hahahaha... yes. *I have such a way with words!* LOL: Well, did you see it? Did you get your copy yet? *breathless from the earth-shattering excitement of actually getting through to a famous author* Me: yes I... LOL: I'm just a little old lady up on Fremont Street in the mobile home park. Well ok. bye. *click* Me: thanks.... *dial tone* So that was random... but fun. Feel free to start the official fan club now. I know a little old lady in a trailer park in Yucaipa who will wear the button! (and you can probably convince my mom to join too).