Where The Boys Are

April 21, 2006
During ski season in Jackson Hole, there are 10 guys for every girl. Liking those odds, Nancy Miller and her wingwoman, Debbie, set off on what turns out to be the ultimate ego trip. But is there such a thing as too many men?

When I've gone on vacations with my girlfriends in the past, our goal has been to unwind, not hook up. But as a newly single woman in my early 30s, I've had it with being cloistered in some desert spa where the only man for miles is a ponytailed craniosacral therapist. These days, I want action! Adventure! And men! And evidently, the men are in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

With its frontier history and extreme skiing, Jackson Hole is legendary for having major manly appeal. (And we're talking men with money.) Hard numbers are tough to come by, but the male-to-female ratio in Jackson Hole is informally touted as 7 to 1, and it spikes to 10 to 1 in peak ski season, between December and March.

But when my friend Debbie and I arrive in Jackson on a blustery, frosty Thursday evening in mid-January, the ratio feels more like 100 to 1. A flurry of men dash about baggage claim. There are hunky cowboys, stubble-chinned ski bums, moneyed mega moguls, and, if all goes well...my future husband. Hoisting zeppelin-size duffel bags over their shoulders, they high-five each other with thunderous claps and deftly handle six-foot-long skis with the agility of ninjas.

"I think our plane crashed," I say to Debbie as we stand, slack-jawed. "And we're in heaven."

On our bus, we are the only two women out of about 30 ridiculously attractive men. In the row ahead of us, a quartet of 20-something professionals is so over-the-top handsome, they look like they were genetically engineered for the J. Crew catalog. The guys explain that they're buddies who met in college and trek to a different ski resort each year. "It's a dude trip, essentially," says Dan Sutherland, 26, a real estate investment analyst who lives in San Francisco. "The focus is on skiing and having a good time...." He bats his giraffe-like eyelashes. "So, are you skiers? Or 'boarders?"

"Uh...skiers?" ventures Debbie, then looks at me, pleading for rescue.

There's a slight complication: We don't ski. At least, neither of us has skied since junior high school. In fact, during our flight from Los Angeles, we sheepishly admitted that we both secretly hate skiing. It's simply too much hassle--the stinky boots, the unwieldy skis, the creaky chairlift, the freezing weather--and for what, 30 terrifying seconds of flailing down a mountain? So we agreed not to let skiing ruin our fun. Naturally, we're not about to advertise this revelation, because as a rule, you don't come to Jackson Hole if you don't ski. Everyone knows you go to Aspen for that.

"Oh yeah, we're skiers," I fib.

"Then you're going to love it," Dan explains. "At the top of the mountain, there's a sign that warns you that the skiing here is so dangerous, so treacherous, you could die."

The bus lurches to a stop--as does, for a moment, my heart. Did he just say die? What have we gotten ourselves into?

I had rented us a one-bedroom condo, walking distance from Teton Village, through the aptly named Rendezvous Mountain Rentals. Over the phone, when I told the rental agent about our quest, she laughed and replied, "Well, you're definitely coming to the right place. There certainly are a lot of men here." It worked for her: The native New Yorker came to Jackson three years ago and met her husband. "I'll see if I can put you in next door to some cute guys," she added conspiratorially.

We arrive just after midnight at our groovy '70s-style one-bedroom, cluttered with moose-themed knickknacks. As we unpack, we count up our "conquests." On the hour-long drive from the airport, we chatted up over a dozen guys.

Debbie crunches the numbers. "That works out to be," she says, "one man every five minutes."

We put our coats right back on and head for a place the boys from the shuttle told us about. The Mangy Moose Saloon is a local hangout with live music and microbrews on tap (Snake River Pale Ale is a local favorite). It's a five-minute walk from our condo. A reggae band is playing to a packed house: ruddy-faced gents in ski hats swill beer and bob their heads to the beat. I strike up a conversation with Pascal, a swarthy 30-year-old from Denver wearing a faded University of Colorado at Boulder hoodie. We chat about Jackson Hole, where he's been "shredding" on his snowboard for nearly two weeks.

"Guess how many days I skied last year!" he commands.

"How many?" I ask.

"Seventy-five! And guess how many I surfed."

"How many?"

"Forty-five freakin' days, man!"

I nudge Debbie. "He surfs and skis," I say, with a wiggle of my eyebrows. "Isn't that great?" Back home, of course, a 30-year-old guy who calls me "man," doesn't have a job, and lives in his van isn't too great a catch. But here--well, when in Rome, dude. Debbie and I order a second round of Jäger shots and strike up a conversation with one of the few other women in the bar: Kristin, a 23-year-old cocktail waitress from Kentucky. She has lived here a year and is, we're surprised to discover, single. "We have a sayin' about all the men up here," she says. "The odds are good, but the goods are odd."

We scoff at her and spend the rest of the evening snapping up cell-phone numbers like they're lottery tickets. By the end of the evening, as we strut back to our wood-paneled palace, Debbie and I are feeling so irresistible that we can barely fit our wool caps over our swollen heads.

"We...are...moving...here," I pant.

The cluster of mountains framing Jackson Hole has long seduced adventurers. In the early 1800s, a group of French-Canadian fur trappers gazed lustily upon the voluptuous peaks and named them Les Trois Tetons (politely translated, it means "the three breasts"). Two hundred years later, the area is known as the Grand Tetons, and in the center of it all is Teton Village--a dozen or so hotels, ski shops, bars, and restaurants.

When we finally make it to the Village Center, it's nearly noon--and the place is dead. "Where is everyone?" I ask. "There," says Debbie, pointing up at the mountain, where a red aerial tram carries sardine cans of begoggled people to the 10,450-foot summit. In the distance, we can see vague sprinkles of skiers carving their way down the mountain.

"If we're going to meet anyone, the skiing thing is inevitable," Debbie sighs. "But I bet they have hot instructors."

We sign up for a full day of "advanced beginner" lessons at the Mountain Sports School for Saturday at 9 a.m. Then we chase away the dread with mochas at the ground-floor café.

The town of Jackson is roughly a 20-minute ride from Teton Village, and a shuttle bus runs between the two. We head to Jackson--a quaint, quirky town--for dinner of miso-glazed cod and spicy salmon rolls at Nikai Sushi. The fish is surprisingly fresh, but the restaurant is like a Noah's ark of cute couples paired off in booths. After dinner, we trek several icy blocks to the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar, a Jackson landmark. Inside, this gloriously kitschy dive appears to have been decorated by Liberace in a John Wayne moment. Wagon-wheel chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and real saddles line the bar instead of stools. In the back of the room is a modest dance floor, where couples two-step to a live band through a musty wall of smoke.

Unlike the one at upscale Teton Village, this crowd is more Deadwood than Dartmouth. It's a lively hodgepodge of older locals and 40-something tourists, clinking shot glasses, smoothing down handlebar mustaches, and tipping real ten-gallon hats at any and all ladies who pass their way. A particularly weathered cowpoke nearly drags Debbie over to the dance floor, but I somehow manage to save her. It's 10:45 p.m., and time to catch the last shuttle back up the mountain. After all, we have a ski lesson in the morning.

Our hot instructor is waiting for us at 9 a.m., poles in hand. Her name is Liz. She's hollering at our 10-person group (half of whom are women) to make a "cheese wedge" shape with our skis. As I wobble down the Pooh Bear slope, I consider bolting into the woods. Instead, I lose my grip on the rope tow and land on my back like a dead beetle, praying no one has seen me.

After two hours of basic introduction, we're chairlifted to an intermediate slice of mountain and told to follow Liz back down. At first, it's terrifying: What if I can't stop? But a few C-turns later, I start to get the rhythm of things. All around us, guys zip past as if they're being filmed for a Mountain Dew commercial. Some give us friendly nods as they whip by. Suddenly, skiing is infinitely more fun.

Back at our condo, our neighbor, whom we'll call Keanu, welcomes us with a six-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon. "We're having a party at our place?" says Keanu. "You girls should definitely stop by?"

We apply fresh lip gloss and chandelier earrings (hey, with so many layers involved, it's all about accessorizing) and knock on their door 20 minutes later. It swings open to reveal Keanu, his roommate, a big-screen TV, and a lamp-size bong.

"Didn't you say you're having a party?" I ask. "Oh, yeah, I kinda made that up, you know?"

We hightail it back to the Mangy Moose for buffalo wings and beer. Now that we're real skiers, we've earned the right to some après-ski fun. As we belly up to the bar, however, we discover that a football game is captivating the crowd: Clusters of men laugh, shout at the TV, and punch each other in the arm. It's like something you might see on the Discovery Channel: the Ski Bumus Erectus in his natural habitat.

"Hey! Where are you girls from?" This is the top opening line in Jackson Hole. We make our way over to a table of late-20s/early-30s dot-com guys from Seattle who are totally our speed: sweet, cute, sporty, yet not steroidal. There are 12 of them and two of us. "We need more girls," begs Gil Zalmanovitch, a 32-year-old program manager at Microsoft. "We don't care if they can't ski. If they're cute and can do a C-turn, tell them to come!" Gil and his friends invite us to their ski-in, ski-out chateau, which has a pool table and hot tub.

"Maybe tomorrow," I say, barely able to keep my eyes open. Alas, the downside to a physically rigorous vacation: I actually pass up partying with dot-com millionaires for a good night's sleep.

It's not too much of a loss, however. Debbie and I are meeting so many men--while waiting for coffee, standing in line for lift tickets, trying on ski boots--that we're beginning to feel like Lucy and Ethel in that I Love Lucy episode at the chocolate factory. We are rushing conversations just to keep up with the never-ending assembly line of guys.

By Sunday, our last full day in Jackson Hole, Debbie actually chooses to spend her time skiing while I sit at an outdoor fire pit at the Four Seasons Resort, drinking champagne, eating elk-meat hot dogs, and seeing what happens if I just remain still. I'm a third of the way through my Veuve Clicquot when a trio of snowboarders takes a nearby table. "Where are you from?" asks Jim Stehli, a handsome, 40-year-old Manhattan banker. Over nachos and more champagne with him and his two (unavailable) friends, we talked. He said he didn't understand why more women don't come to Jackson, instead of going to spas. "Yeah, and then we all come back complaining we can't find any men," I answer with a laugh.

Still, I wouldn't mind a little Canyon Ranch action. My neck muscles whine in agony. They're sore from skiing, of course, but also, I suspect, from a touch of whiplash after repeated check-him-out double takes. I'm numb with man-meeting fatigue.

As we head to the airport Monday morning, our pockets overflowing with scribbled-on cocktail napkins, we are elated--and exhausted. The men of Jackson are a pleasure to look at and a whole lot of fun, but I never did meet that future husband. And it makes sense: Back in the real world, I'm a stiletto-sporting Angeleno who won't even bother to hike two blocks to my favorite café. What would I have in common, long-term, with one of these mountain climbers, who are far more interested in L.L. Bean? My brief stint as nature babe was fun while it lasted.

"Hey ladies!" At security, doe-eyed Dan Sutherland, our first friend, smiles and waves. I can almost see his arm muscles rippling beneath his Patagonia parka. "We're going to Switzerland next year. Are you guys coming?"

Debbie and I look at each other. Probably not. Then again, let's wait and see how the summer pans out before we decide once and for all.

Three More Spots With Great Odds

Witch's Rock Surf Camp, Playa Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Surfers are just as sexy as skiers--without all the extra clothes. This camp was created by surfers and caters to all levels and both sexes. Weeklong beginner packages start at $768, for groups of four. 888/318-7873, witchsrocksurfcamp.com

The Arctic Open golf tournament, Akureyri, Iceland
Every June, the world's northernmost 18-hole golf course, a four-and-a-half-hour drive from Reykjavík, is the site of a weekend of hard-core golf and late-night partying under the glow of the midnight sun. arcticopen.is

Middlemarch Singles Dance, Middlemarch, New Zealand
A small town on the South Island hosts a dance every spring for lonely farmers in the area. Women from all over the world come to meet them. The transportation of choice is the "Love Train"--a.k.a. the Taieri Gorge Railway--which starts in Dunedin and stops an hour later at the veritable make-out Mardi Gras. middlemarch.co.nz/singles_dance


  • Jackson Shuttle 307/733-4521, startbus.com, $3
  • Cowboy Cab 307/413-1000, Teton Village to Jackson $30


  • Rendezvous Mountain Rentals 3610 N. Moose Wilson Rd., Wilson, 888/739-2565, rmrentals.com, one-bedroom condos from $110


  • Nikai Sushi 225 N. Cache St., Jackson, 307/734-6490
  • Four Seasons Resort 7680 Granite Loop Rd., Teton Village, 307/732-5000, elk hot dog $7


  • Mountain Sports School 3395 West Village Dr., Teton Village, 800/450-0477, ski packages available


  • Mangy Moose Saloon 3285 Teton Village Rd., Teton Village, 307/733-4913, pint of Snake River Pale Ale $4
  • Million Dollar Cowboy Bar 25 N. Cache St., Jackson, 307/733-2207, bottle of Teton Ale $4.50

Plan Your Next Getaway
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40 Best Girlfriend Getaway Packages

UNITED STATES Palm Springs $595 A new special from the chic Parker Palm Springs includes two nights in a king room, breakfast daily at Norma's (plus a wake-up smoothie from room service one morning), two 30-minute spa treatments (reflexology, Swedish massage, manicure/pedicure), lunch in your robe at the spa, a round of cocktails and a game of petanque at sunset (the hotel has its own court), dinner at either Norma's or Mister Parker's (the latter only if you're staying on a Wednesday or Thursday night), and s'mores around the outdoor firepit. In addition, a selection of chick flicks, popcorn, and snacks will be delivered for an in-room pajama party. When:Sundays through Thursdays June 1--Dec. 22 ($595 per person, double). Contact:Parker Palm Springs, 760/770-5000, theparkerpalmsprings.com. GET EXPERT TRAVEL TIPS AND DEALS WITH OUR FREE E-NEWSLETTERS! Manhattan for Shoppers $1,000 The Exchange Hotel near South Street Seaport has undergone a complete--and stylish--renovation. To celebrate its new look, the hotel created a Girlshop 'til You Drop package that combines airport transfers (or two days of parking at the hotel), two nights in a deluxe guest room, and a private four-hour shopping tour led by the fashion experts at Girlshop. Tours are customized depending on what you're looking for; stops may include Jeffrey, Stella McCartney, and Century 21. Also covered in the price is a six-pack of sugar-free Red Bull (you'll need the added energy!); two one-day MetroCards; a $75 credit to use at Girlshop in the Meatpacking District; 15 percent off your first purchase online at Girlshop.com; and all hotel taxes. When:Until Sept. 4 ($1,000 per room, double), Sept. 5--Dec. 16 ($1,200). Details:Extra nights from $199. The hotel will ship home the new items you can't squeeze into your suitcase ($30 limit). Contact:Exchange Hotel, 212/742-0003, exchangehotel.com. The package must be booked by phone. Boston $499 The In a Girl's World special at the Nine Zero hotel, just off Boston Common, includes one night in a "fantastic" guest room (rooms are intimate, fantastic, or spectacular, depending on size and view) with two queen-size beds, bath products by Boston stylist Mario Russo, and a martini bar (mixings, glasses, shaker, jar of olives). Also included: a personal shopper at Giorgio Armani or Louis Boston on Newbury Street, a manicure and pedicure at Salon Mario Russo, a DVD of Girls Just Want to Have Fun to watch in the room while primping, and a round of Commons-politans at the hotel's Spire bar. When:Until Aug. 31 (from $499 per room, double), except May 13--22 and July 4. Contact:Nine Zero, 866/646-3937, ninezero.com. Chicago $455 A Sofitel and the City package combines one night in a superior room at the Sofitel Chicago Water Tower, a welcome bag from Bloomingdale's (with certificates good for 15 percent off anything in the store, coupons for cosmetics, a free makeup lesson at the Laura Mercier counter, and free cappuccinos at the café), either a manicure and pedicure or a facial at Equinox, a round of cocktails and a tasting-menu dinner at the hotel's Le Bar, VIP access to nightclubs like Le Passage or Reserve (arranged by the concierge, who has the cell-phone numbers of all the club managers in town), breakfast either in bed or at the hotel's Café des Architectes, and a 3 p.m. check out.When:Until Dec. 31 (from $455 per room, double).Contact:Sofitel Chicago Water Tower, 312/324-4000, sofitel.com. (You must book by phone.) Fort Worth $395 The Doral Tesoro Hotel & Golf Club is selling a Western-themed weekend called This One's for the Girls. Along with a night at the hotel (which has a pool, restaurant, bar, and 18-hole golf course, and is across the street from the Speedway Club Spa), the package includes poker and line-dancing lessons, mechanical bull riding at the Stockyards, tickets to the National Cowgirl Museum & Hall of Fame, a bucket of longnecks at the hotel bar, an evening turndown with cookies, omelets for breakfast, and a Martina McBride CD to take home. When:Until Dec. 31 ($395 per room, double). Contact:Doral Tesoro Hotel & Golf Club, 866/333-6725, doraltesoro.com. Hollywood, Fla. $429 Air from Atlantic City, Chicago, D.C., New York, or Providence and four nights in a superior room at the oceanfront Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa, with eight restaurants and bars, a nightclub, large pool with cabanas, spa, gym, 10 tennis courts, an 18-holf golf course, and even a marina (waterskiing, fishing, kayak and bike rentals, etc.). When:Until Sept. 30 ($429 per person, double). Other Gateways:Boston ($479), Dallas ($509), L.A. ($529), San Francisco ($549). Details:Extra nights from $99. Single supplement from $279. Contact:Leisure Link International, 888/801-8808, eleisurelink.com. Jackson Hole $815 Jackson Hole Just for Gals includes three nights at the Teton Mountain Lodge in a two-story, two-bedroom suite with a kitchen and living area. The package also combines either white-water or scenic rafting on the Snake River, with a guided hike in Jackson Hole, a deep-tissue massage at the spa, dinner at the Cascade Grill House, and breakfast daily at Cascade.When:June 1--30, Sept. 1--30 (from $815 per person, quad), July 1--Aug. 31 (from $960). Details:Prices don't include alcohol or gratuity with meals. The deal can be customized for other group sizes. Contact:Teton Mountain Lodge, 800/801-6615, tetonlodge.com. Las Vegas $795 Air from Chicago, transfers, three nights in a luxury suite at The Venetian, and a Grand Canal Shoppes Shop & Spa package, including a massage, facial, or manicure and pedicure at Canyon Ranch SpaClub, access to the facilities, a meal in the spa café, special offers from stores in the Canal Shoppes Mall, $5 off admission to Madame Tussauds, free admission to Vivid The Club, and more. When:July 9--18, July 23--30, Aug. 3--23 ($795 per person, double). Other Gateways:Miami ($829), New York ($839), Houston ($845). Details:Call for the extra-night price and single supplement. Contact:Liberty Travel, 877/999-3914, libertytravel.com. Los Angeles $159 Omni Hotel's Housewives on Hiatus special includes a one-night stay in a deluxe room at the property in downtown L.A., as well as a bottle of wine, a gossip magazine, and a welcome gift (with a pair of slippers, specialty bath products, and a disposable camera) upon arrival. The Desperate Housewives Dirty Laundry trivia game, poker chips and playing cards, and slumber party favorites like Twister can be borrowed at the front desk. The concierge will be on call to customize your stay (with spa treatments, limousine service, dinner reservations, nightlife recommendations). When:Fridays and Saturdays until May 29 (from $159 per room, double). Details:Similar packages are available at all Omni Hotel properties. They can be altered to suit both the group and the city. Contact:Omni Hotels, 888/444-6664, omnihotels.com. Miami Beach $889 The Girls Gone Wild Weekend includes two nights in a suite (with a king-size bed, sleeper sofa, and kitchenette) at the Aqua Hotel in South Beach, one block from the beach; drinks and snacks (a bottle of champagne, imported cheeses, chocolates); chick lit titles for bedtime reading; two-hour moped rentals; a two-hour limo rental (10 p.m. to midnight); VIP passes for some of South Beach's hottest nightclubs; a morning-after headache basket (with aspirin and hair-of-the-dog Kahlúa milkshakes); breakfast daily; and a 2 p.m. checkout. When:Until Dec. 28 (from $889 per room, quad). Blacked out May 25--30. Contact:Aqua Hotel, 305/538-4361, aquamiami.com. San Diego $430The Del Mar Racetrack Getaway package includes two guest rooms for two nights at the Hotel Solamar (pool, poolside cabanas, rooftop bar) in downtown San Diego's East Village neighborhood; a welcome basket of beauty products; one breakfast at Jsix Restaurant (adjacent to the hotel); admission to the San Diego Museum of Art; and a day at the famed Del Mar Racetrack (with Clubhouse tickets and a table at the trackside restaurant). When: July 24--31 and Aug. 11--Sept. 6, except Aug. 20 (from $430 per person, quad). Details: Use promotional code PWOM when booking. Contact: Hotel Solamar, 877/230-0300, hotelsolamar.com. Snowmass Village, Colo. $118Snowmass celebrates its 3rd Annual Snowmass Wellness Experience from August 4 to 6, an event featuring guest speakers (such as celebrity chef Cat Cora), fitness and cooking classes, an outdoor concert, wine tastings, naturalist-guided hikes on the mountain's 40 miles of trails, and more. The many lodging packages include a special from the Timberline Condominiums that covers airport transfers, a one-bedroom unit, sunrise yoga on the hotel sundeck, a chairlift ticket for hiking and mountain biking, a pass to the events (allows access to all speakers and activities on Saturday and Sunday), and a Blazing Adventures excursion (sunset backcountry dinner, white-water rafting, etc.). When: Aug. 3--6 (from $118 per person per night, double). Contact: Snowmass Village, snowmassvillage.com/packages. CANADA New Brunswick $510 Two days of fly-fishing with Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures, on the Little Southwest Miramichi River. The special women-only trips include round-trip transfers from Moncton airport, three nights in a lodge room, a welcome smoked-salmon-and-wine reception, all meals, two days of fly-fishing instruction (tying flies, fly casting), all equipment, an afternoon massage, and an afternoon of kayaking or tubing. When:June 23, July 21, Aug. 25 ($510 per person, double). Details:The price does not include airfare to New Brunswick. Single rooms in nearby cabins (with shared baths) cost $50 less. Contact:Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures, 888/227-6100, upperoxbow.com. Ontario $715 A four-day kayaking adventure for women in Stony Lake, an hour and a half northeast of Toronto. Includes four to six hours of paddling a day (beginners and intermediates are welcome), four nights at B&Bs, all meals, kayaking gear, and a pass to the Canadian Canoe Museum. The trip departs from Gilchrist Bay and explores some of the 1,100 islands that dot Stony Lake. When:Sunday departures June 4--Sept. 24 ($715 per person, double).Details:Airfare and transfers to Gilchrist Bay are not included. Contact:Paddling Ontario, 877/877-2735, paddlingontario.com/womenonly. Vancouver $275 The Pacific Palisades Hotel--on Robson Street, Vancouver's main shopping drag--is selling a Girls Night In special that includes one night in a South Beach Suite (king-size bed, queen-size sofa bed, kitchenette, balcony); a 60-minute spa manicure; a free in-room movie rental; a room-service delivery of popcorn, licorice, and Häagen-Dazs ice cream; an evening wine reception; morning coffee; and a newspaper. When:May 1--Oct. 15 ($343 per room, double), Oct. 15--Dec. 31 ($275).Contact:Pacific Palisades Hotel, 800/663-1815, pacificpalisadeshotel.com. MEXICO Cancún $695 Air from Detroit, Memphis, or Minneapolis; three nights at the beachfront Omni Cancún Hotel & Villas (with six restaurants and bars, three pools, two tennis courts, a gym, and spa); a two-and-a-half-hour jungle tour (includes a speedboat ride through the mangroves and snorkeling on a coral reef); and a daylong cruise to Isla Mujeres (with breakfast, snorkeling, lunch, and open bar). Rates are based on six women sharing a 2,000-square-foot, two-bedroom villa.When:Monday departures July 10--Aug. 17 ($695 per person). Other Gateways:New York (from $745). Details:Extra nights from $93. All-inclusive stays start at $1,025 per person. Contact:NWA WorldVacations, 800/800-1504, nwaworldvacations.com. Colonial Mexico Tour $1,750 A nine-day, eight-night, women-only tour, round trip from Mexico City. Includes airport transfers, transportation by private bus, most meals, all entrance fees, and an English-speaking guide throughout. The itinerary calls for two nights in Mexico City (Frida Kahlo's studio, the artists' market in San Angel's plaza, the National Anthropology Museum), four nights in Oaxaca (tickets to the Guelaguetza indigenous dance festival, and visits to Monte Albán, Mitla, Teotitlán del Valle, and el Tule), and two nights in Cuernavaca (tours of colonial sites and lounging by the hotel pool), as well as stops in the cities of Puebla and Taxco along the way. When:July 21 ($1,750 per person, double).Details:Flights to Mexico City are not included. The $35 membership fee will be waived for BTreaders who book this or any other WTC trip. Single supplement $375. Contact:Women's Travel Club, 800/480-4448, womenstravelclub.com. Playa del Carmen $494 Four all-inclusive nights in a standard room at the Riu Playacar, a beachfront resort with two restaurants, four bars, two pools, two tennis courts, water sports, a gym, and a spa. When:July 1--Aug. 22 (from $494 per person, double).Details:Airfare is not included. Single supplement from $255. Seven-night stays start at $834. Optional excursions include swimming with the dolphins at Wet'nWild ($73), a dinner cruise to Isla Mujeres ($75), and a day trip to Chichén Itzá ($75). With Riu's "stay at one, play at all" promotion, guests can also enjoy the amenities at any Riu property at no additional charge. Contact:Funjet Vacations, funjet.com, or book through a travel agent. Puerto Vallarta $485 Air from Phoenix, transfers, three all-inclusive nights at the Hacienda Hotel & Spa across the street from the beach (with three restaurants, three bars, and a pool), and all taxes and fees. Also includes a 35-minute massage or a 35-minute reflexology foot massage and a $10 discount on another spa treatment. When:Select Monday and Tuesday departures until July 31 (from $485 per person, double). Details: Extra nights from $75. Single supplement from $124. Other Gateways:L.A., Las Vegas, San Diego ($525). Contact:US Airways Vacations, 800/455-0123, usairwaysvacations.com. CARIBBEAN Anguilla $269 A bachelorette party at the Arawak Beach Inn, including transfers, three nights' lodging (in two oceanfront rooms), breakfast daily, a six-pack of Carib beer upon arrival, "bachelorette paraphernalia" (veil, feather boa, and disposable camera), a full-day excursion to an uninhabited island (picnic lunch and transportation on a boat captained by one of Anguilla's most eligible bachelors), a one-day car rental, and a five-minute phone call to the groom. When:June 1--Oct. 31 ($269 per person, quad). Contact:Arawak Beach Inn, 877/427-2925, arawakbeach.com. Dominican Republic $600 Air from Chicago, Detroit, or St. Louis, transfers, and three all-inclusive nights in a Platinum Club suite at the Princess All Suites Resort & Spa in Punta Cana. The beachfront property has seven restaurants and bars, two pools, four tennis courts, and a gym. Also included: a 20-minute massage, one hour of motorized water sports, one open-water dive (for certified divers), and a dinner at either La Cava or El Pescador, specialty restaurants not covered by the all-inclusive plan. When:July 5--Aug. 23 (from $600 per person, double). Other Gateways:New York, Philadelphia (from $740). Details: Extra nights from $100. Single supplement from $100.Contact:Apple Vacations, applevacations.com, book only through travel agents. Nevis $995 Five nights in a two-bedroom superior suite at the Mount Nevis Hotel (with a terrace, living room, and kitchen), transfers, a welcoming rum punch, breakfast daily, three dinners, a five-day car rental, one in-room massage, a snorkeling trip to St. Kitts on a catamaran, and a professional photo of your group. The Mount Nevis Hotel is on a hillside overlooking the sea and has a large pool and two restaurants; shuttle service is provided to a nearby beach club. When:Until Dec. 15 ($995 per person, quad). Details:Airfare is not included. Extra nights $125 per person, room only. Guests will receive a free night at the hotel if they return next year--alone or with their girlfriends. Contact:Mount Nevis Hotel, 800/756-3847, mountnevishotel.com. St. Lucia $590 Four nights in two garden-view rooms at the Coco Palm boutique hotel in Rodney Bay Village; dinner and dancing at an authentic Caribbean fish fry/street party (includes transfers, drinks, meal) or dinner at Ti Bananne, a new creole restaurant in Rodney Bay Village; a one-hour outdoor massage or a manicure and pedicure; a private yoga or tai chi class for your group; and a picnic lunch on the beach. When:Until Dec. 21 ($590 per person, quad). Blacked out May 7--14. Details:The price does not include airfare. Extra nights from $125. Contact:Coco Resorts, 758/456-2800, coco-resorts.com. St. Thomas $668 Five nights in an ocean-view room at the oceanfront Bolongo Bay Beach Resort; one half-hour massage; shuttle to the town of Charlotte Amalie for duty-free shopping; an island tour; one dinner (West Indian Carnival Night buffet or beach barbecue); a full-day trip to St. John on a catamaran (includes lunch and open bar); introductory scuba-diving lesson; use of the Sunfish, paddle boats, windsurfers, kayaks, and snorkeling gear; and all taxes and service charges. When:Until Aug. 31, Nov. 1--Dec. 22 ($723 per person, double); Sept. 1--Oct. 31 ($668). Details:Price does not include airfare. Seven-night packages start at $207 more. Contact:Bolongo Bay Beach Resort, 800/524-4746, bolongobay.com. CENTRAL AMERICA Belize $1,089 American Airlines flights from Miami, a five-day car rental, and five nights in a jungle-lodge room at duPlooy's, a family-owned hotel in the rain forest near San Ignacio. All rooms have two queen-size beds, a private bath, and a screened porch with chairs and a hammock. An herbal wrap or massage and facial at the hotel and a horse-and-buggy tour of the nearby Belize Botanic Garden are also included. When:May 1--June 30, Sept. 1--Dec. 1 ($1,089 per person, double); July 1--Aug. 31 ($1,149). Other Gateways:Dallas ($1,134/$1,194); New York ($1,188/ $1,248); Chicago ($1,291/$1,351); L.A., San Francisco ($1,351/$1,411); Seattle, Portland ($1,393/$1,453). Details:Add $50 for weekend travel. Extra nights from $73. Single supplement from $535. The hotel can arrange guided tours to nearby Mayan ruins (from $75), canoe rentals (from $10), and shopping excursions to Guatemala (from $95). Contact:Capricorn Leisure, 800/426-6544, capricorn.net. Costa Rica $1,975 Seven days at the women-only Surf Diva camp in Costa Rica. The price covers ground transportation from San José airport to Playa Guiones on the Nicoya Peninsula, six nights' lodging in the Casa Tucan guesthouse (which has a poolside restaurant and bar and is a two-minute walk from the beach), brunch and dinner daily (including beer and wine), one massage, two surfing classes each day (you'll also get one private lesson during the week), board rental, afternoon yoga, a Surf Diva logo rashguard, and a welcome goodie bag. When:May 14, 28; June 4, 11, 18; July 2, 9 ($1,975 per person, double).Details:The price does not include airfare to San José. The camp is for women 18 or older. Singles can be paired with other singles. Surf Diva also offers weekend ($149) and weeklong ($369) clinics year-round at its headquarters in La Jolla, just north of San Diego. Contact:Surf Diva, 858/454-8273, surfdiva.com. SOUTH AMERICA Buenos Aires $749 Copa Airlines flights from Miami, transfers, five nights at either the Regis Orho Hotel or Gran Hotel Argentino, breakfast daily, a half-day city tour, two hours of tango lessons, an Evita tour (includes visits to the new Eva Perón museum, her mausoleum in Recoleta cemetery, the Perón home, and the Juan Perón National Institute), a full day outside the city at a ranch horseback riding with the famous Argentine gauchos (with lunch and a fiesta featuring dancing and gaucho skills demonstrations), and a shopping excursion to the city's best discount leather factories. When:Until June 17, Aug. 16--Dec. 6 ($749 per person, double); June 18--Aug. 15 ($849). Other Gateways:New York (add $190), L.A. (add $230). Details: Extra nights from $27. Single supplement from $160. Contact:Escapes Unlimited, 800/243-7227, escapesltd.com. Peru $1,199 Copa Airlines flights from Miami, transfers, two nights in Lima at the Hotel Leon de Oro, four nights in Cuzco at Hotel San Agustin Plaza, breakfast daily, a full-day guided trip to Machu Picchu (includes transportation on the Vistadome train, entrance fees, lunch), a half-day tour of Cuzco and the Inca ruins outside the city, a half day of rafting on the Urubamba River (with lunch), a half-day excursion delivering school supplies to remote village schools in the Andes, and your choice of one of the following lessons: salsa dancing, cooking, or music. When:Until June 17, Aug. 16--Dec. 6 ($1,199 per person, double); June 17--Aug. 15 ($1,299). Departures are on the second and fourth Monday of each month. Other Gateways:L.A. (add $200), New York (add $335). Details:Extra nights from $29. Single supplement $250. Add $110 to overnight at the Machu Picchu Inn. Contact:Escapes Unlimited, 800/243-7227, escapesltd.com. EUROPE Amalfi Coast $1,599 Alitalia flights from Boston or Philadelphia to Rome or Naples; six nights in Sorrento in a standard room at the five-star Bellevue Syrene (with a pool, gym, Roman bath, and private beach); full-day tours of Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast; and a half-day tour of the countryside, including a visit to a cheese maker, with tasting. When:June 15--July 10 ($2,239 per person, double), July 11--30 ($2,099), Aug. 1--31 ($2,239), Sept. 1--30 ($1,899), Oct. 1--31 ($1,799), Nov. 1--15 ($1,599). Other Gateways:New York (from $1,599); D.C. (from $1,649); Atlanta, Miami (from $1,699); Chicago, L.A., San Francisco (from $1,779). Details:Transfers from $132. Add a car rental starting at $120. Extra nights from $90. Single supplement from $699. Contact:Foreign Independent Tours, 800/248-3487, fittours.com. London $799 Air from New York to London, three nights at the Adare Hotel near Paddington Station and Hyde Park, breakfast daily, and a full day at The Sanctuary spa in Covent Garden. Includes the use of all facilities (pools, gym, sauna, steam rooms, hot tub, lounge, etc.), a two-course lunch, and one 55-minute treatment. When:June 1--Aug. 31 (from $999 per person, double), Sept. 1--Oct. 31 (from $799). Other Gateways:Boston ($1,029); Philadelphia ($1,039); D.C. ($1,059); Chicago ($1,119); Miami ($1,209); Atlanta ($1,219); Dallas, L.A. ($1,259); San Francisco ($1,279). Details:Extra nights from $60. Single supplement from $80. Contact:EuropeASAP, 415/750-5449, europeasap.com. Paris Tour $1,850 Air from Boston, D.C., New York, or most other East Coast gateways and a seven-day fully guided, fashion-oriented tour of Paris. The price covers transfers, six nights' hotel (and taxes), breakfast daily, a half-day orientation tour of the city, and a fashion tour. The trip may include visits to Givenchy, Hermès, and up-and-coming designers in the Marais; watching a live fashion show; trolling the antique clothing stalls at flea markets; or a tour of the Louvre's Musée de la Mode et du Textile, where there's a Balenciaga exhibit until early 2007. When:Nov. 2 ($1,850 per person, double). Other Gateways:Add-ons are available; call for details:. Details:Call for the extra-night price and single supplement. Contact:Fashion Perspective Tours, 804/649-0562, fashionperspectivetours.com. Tuscany $999 Alitalia flights from Boston, New York, or Philadelphia to Rome; six nights in a deluxe room at the Arco Naturale Country House in Cetona, Tuscany; a welcome cocktail; breakfast daily; two days of cooking classes; a wine tour at the Podere Casa al Vento; and a 10 percent discount at the hotel restaurant and a nearby spa. When:June 15--July 31 ($1,599 per person, double), Aug. 1--31 ($1,629), Sept. 1--15 ($1,099), Sept. 16--Oct. 31 ($1,169), Nov. 1--15 ($999). Other Gateways:D.C. (from $1,049); Miami (from $1,099); Chicago, L.A., San Francisco (from $1,179). Details:A car is necessary; add from $120. Extra nights from $80. Single supplement from $499. Contact:Foreign Independent Tours, 800/248-3487, fittours.com. AFRICA & MIDDLE EAST Egypt Tour $1,820 Air from New York to Cairo (via Amsterdam) and an 11-day women-only tour including transfers, local transportation (bus, train, air), eight nights' hotel (three in Cairo, three in Aswan, two in Luxor), one night on a train in a first-class, two-person compartment, and English-speaking guides throughout. Along with tours of the pyramids at Giza, Abu Simbel, and a sunset sail on the Nile, the trip includes visits to Queen Nefertiti's tomb, the Valley of the Queens, Queen Hatshepsut's temple, and a special dinner in Cairo with a belly dancing demonstration and lesson. When:June 3, 29, July 27, Aug. 10, 24 ($1,820 per person, double). Other Gateways:Cincinnati (add $195), L.A. (add $200), Denver (add $239).Details:Add approximately $350 to cover entrance fees and meals. Extra nights in Cairo from $85. Single supplement $150, but Djoser will try to pair singles with other singles. Stop over in Amsterdam ($150, flight only). Contact:Djoser, 877/356-7376, djoserusa.com. Kenya Tour $2,645 Air from New York to Nairobi (via London) and a nine-day, five-night, women-only safari. Includes one night at the Serena Mountain Lodge, one night at the Sarova Lion Hill Lodge, three nights at the Sarova Mara Tented Lodge, transfers, all meals, all game drives and activities, a visit to a school en route to Mount Kenya Natural Forest, an afternoon spent with Masai women learning their customs and traditions, a cooking class with a Sarova lodge chef, a visit to the Karen Blixen (Out of Africa) estate, and an candlelit bush dinner. When:Sunday departures June 4--25 ($2,645 per person, double), July 2--Sept. 10 ($2,875). Other Gateways:Chicago, D.C., L.A., Miami, San Francisco (add $195). Details:Stop over in London in either direction for $150. There's no single supplement in June. In July, August, and September, singles must add $300.Contact:2Afrika, 866/462-2374, 2afrika.com. ASIA Women-Only Tour of China $1,799 China specialist Champion Holidays has created a tour exclusively for female BTreaders. The package includes air from L.A. to Beijing, all local transportation, 12 nights at four- and five-star hotels (five in Beijing, one in Hangzhou, three in Suzhou, three in Shanghai), most meals, and an English-speaking guide throughout. Along with the highlights of a regular Champion Holidays tour (Great Wall, Forbidden City, cruise on the Grand Canal, etc.), this very special itinerary includes a home visit with a Beijing family, a trip to see the pandas at the Beijing Zoo, a lesson in the art of Chinese paper cutting, a visit to a silk factory (where you can choose fabric and have a traditional Qipao dress made), a tour of the Suzhou Embroidery Research Institute, optional spa services, and much, much more. When:Sept. 6 and Oct. 25. Other Gateways:New York ($1,899). Details:Extra nights from $130. Single supplement $580 (but Champion will try to pair singles upon request). Contact:Champion Holidays, 800/868-7658, china-discovery.com. Bali $829 Singapore Airlines flights from L.A. or San Francisco to Bali (via Singapore), transfers, five nights' hotel in either Sanur Beach (Ari Putri Hotel) or Ubud (Pande Permai Bungalows), breakfast daily, a half-day island tour, and your choice of any two of the following activities: Balinese dance class, cooking class, batik class, two-hour spa treatment, mountain biking, rafting on the Ayung River, walking through the rice paddies and villages, and hiking on Mount Batur. When:Until June 4, Aug. 21--Dec. 4 ($829 per person, double); June 5--Aug. 20 ($1,054). Other Gateways:Seattle (add $175), New York (add $250), Dallas (add $275), Philadelphia (add $350). Details: Extra nights from $20. Single supplement from $120. Contact: Escapes Unlimited, 800/243-7227, escapesltd.com. Hong Kong $1,298 Cathay Pacific flights from L.A. to Hong Kong, transfers, four nights at the five-star Langham Place Hotel in Kowloon, breakfast daily, a 90-minute massage/facial at the hotel's spa, a half-day walking tour of the markets, free admission to the Hong Kong Tourism Board's Cultural Kaleidoscope classes (tai chi, feng shui, cake making, Chinese medicine, etc.), a pass to the Hong Kong Museum of History, hotel taxes and service charges, and the $100 air-fuel surcharge. When:Monday--Thursday departures May 1--June 14 ($1,298 per person, double), June 15--Aug. 15 ($1,498). Other Gateways:San Francisco (add $75), New York (add $125--$250). Details:Add $25 each way for weekend travel. Extra nights from $95. Single supplement from $275. Contact:Globotours, 800/988-4833, globotours.net. Singapore & Ho Chi Minh City $949 Singapore Airlines flights from L.A. or San Francisco to Singapore, transfers, two nights at the Peninsula Excelsior Hotel (or similar), an onward flight to Ho Chi Minh City, four nights at the Metropole Hotel (or similar), and breakfast daily in Ho Chi Minh City. In Singapore, enjoy a reflexology massage, shopping excursions to Little India and Chinatown, and visits to the National Orchid Garden, the Singapore Art Museum, and the Asian Civilisations Museum. In Ho Chi Minh City, you'll receive a one-hour deep-tissue massage, a cooking class at the Vietnam Cookery Center, and a shopping excursion and fitting at Khai Silk.When:Until June 5, Aug. 21--Dec. 4 ($949 per person, double); June 6--Aug. 20 ($1,174). Other Gateways:Denver, Seattle (add $175); New York (add $200); Boston, Buffalo, Pittsburgh (add $300). Details:Extra nights from $34. Single supplement $220. Contact:Escapes Unlimited, 800/243-7227, escapesltd.com. SOUTH PACIFIC Fiji $2,999 Air Pacific flights from L.A. to Nandi; transfers; four nights at the Sheraton Fiji Resort; a massage and facial at the hotel spa; a four-day, three-night Blue Lagoon small-ship cruise through the Yasawa islands aboard the Mystique Princess; breakfast daily; and all meals on the boat. When:Until Aug. 1 ($2,999 per person, double), Aug. 2--Dec. 8 ($3,009). Other Gateways:New York ($3,449/$3,459). Details:Call for the extra-night price. Single supplement from $760. Contact:Jetabout Island Vacations, 800/327-3857, jetaboutvacations.com. AUSTRALIA Sydney & Cairns $1,995 Qantas flights from L.A., transfers and flights within Australia, four nights in Sydney at the Vibe Hotel on Goulburn Street (includes one free night), three nights near Cairns at the Mango Lagoon Resort & Wellness Spa (in a one-bedroom courtyard suite, near Palm Cove Beach), 20 percent off a one-hour spa treatment, and a half-day Vespa scooter rental to explore Palm Cove. When:May 1--Aug. 31 ($1,995 per person, double). Other Gateways:San Francisco (add $50), Chicago (add $260), New York (add $300). Details:Extra nights from $71. Single supplement from $645. Contact:Springboard Vacations, 866/447-7746, springboardvacations.com.

20 Tips

1. You don't have to be the outdoorsy type to benefit from rock-climbing equipment. Buy a couple of large carabiners--the kind mountain climbers use--and attach them to the handle of your wheeled suitcase. You can clip purses, cameras, and shopping bags to your suitcase, giving your hands and shoulders a rest while you're walking around the airport. --Kathryn Murphy, Satellite Beach, Fla. 2. Get everyone involved in the planning. Once we know where we're going, my girlfriends and I divide up the list of things we'd like to do on our trip and put someone in charge of each item on the list. Then that person does the legwork ahead of time by finding directions and prices, making reservations (if necessary), and researching nearby places to stop for a snack or a meal. Our method means no one person is doing all the planning. --Carol J. Leisch, Normal, Ill. 3. The uses for a sarong are endless. Lightweight, washable, and multifunctional, a cotton sarong is a practical addition to every traveler's don't-leave-home-without-it bag! I've used mine as a swimsuit cover-up, a picnic blanket on the grounds of a château in the Loire Valley, a temporary skirt (over my shorts) in a Bangkok temple, and an extra pillow while hiking the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. It's also handy as an emergency towel, airplane blanket, or tablecloth. --Nicole Serafica, Langhorne, Pa. 4. Pool money for group expenses. When I travel with friends, we all contribute to a kitty and use that money to pay for things like taxis and meals. It saves us from figuring out each person's share at every stop. At the end of the trip we split whatever remains. --Carol Moran, Chesterfield, Mo. 5. Dry-cleaning bags stop clothes from wrinkling. Slide each garment into its own bag (leave the hanger at home) and place them flat on your bed, one on top of another. Then carefully fold the entire stack to fit it in your suitcase. Once you get to your hotel, hang everything up as soon as you reasonably can. If you use this little trick, you'll never unpack a suitcase of wrinkled clothes again. --Claudette Christman, Colonial Heights, Va. 6. The perfect toiletries bag does exist! I've finally discovered one that's just right: a soft-sided lunchbox. It has an outer zipped pocket with compartments perfect for often-used items like a toothbrush and toothpaste. There's a removable zipper pouch inside (meant for an ice pack) for those smaller, hard-to-find items like nail files and pill bottles. The remaining space inside is just the right size for larger things like shampoo and hand lotion. Other helpful features include both a small handle and shoulder strap, and a waterproof, easy-to-clean interior. As an elementary school teacher, I know firsthand that it will last, having been designed to withstand daily use by kids! --Jennifer Minton, Glencoe, Calif. 7. Bring a laundry kit. Pack a one-gallon Ziploc bag and a travel-size shampoo container refilled with detergent. These come in handy when you need to wash hosiery, bras, and other delicate undergarments. Put a few drops of detergent into the bag and fill it partway with water. Place the item you want to wash in the bag, close it up, and shake it around for a few minutes. Instant washing machine! For larger pieces of clothing, I've used the plastic laundry bags supplied at most hotels. Just hold the open end tightly. --Erika Kumada, Mount Prospect, Ill. 8. Share the luggage load. When I travel with friends, we decide ahead of time who's going to bring what. If we're sharing a suite or have adjoining rooms, we don't need multiple hair dryers and umpteen bottles of shampoo. With the strict weight limits on baggage, we'll need the extra space in our suitcases for souvenirs! --Haley Christensen Henderson, Nev. 9. Make the most of pedicure money. I save the pedicure flip-flops that I get at my nail salon. They make great shower shoes when I travel. (Five-star hotel or not, I always hear my mother's voice in my head about showering in my bare feet somewhere other than my own home.) They're lightweight, they dry quickly, and I can throw them away at the end of my trip. --Carmen Shirkey, Fairfax, Va. 10. Don't get charged for overweight suitcases. I pack a small duffel in the side pocket of my suitcase. If I've exceeded the luggage weight limit at the airport, I can pull out the extra bag, empty heavier items from my suitcase into it, and check both. --Kathy Effley, Bradenton, Fla. 11. Put your old contact lens cases to work. Do you hate the idea of wasting that last bit of lipstick or concealer that always seems to get stuck in the bottom of the tube? Scoop it out and put it into a clean contact lens case. The case is watertight, holds enough for a weekend trip, and fits easily in any purse or toiletries bag. --Ronda P. Martinez, Philadelphia, Pa. 12. Discuss a meeting spot before you leave the hotel. Pick a central place at which to meet in case you become separated from your traveling companion or group. Having a plan can save both precious time and needless anxiety. --Marian Moss, Stone Mountain, Ga. 13. Forget expensive video equipment. My daughter and I bought a few disposable digital camcorders at a CVS pharmacy before heading to Europe. It was a nice way to document our trip--each camera stored about 20 minutes of video and had a small color screen so we could play back and edit footage as we went along. Once home, we dropped the cameras off at the pharmacy, and the next day our DVD was ready. We were very pleased with the quality and the cost: $30 for the camera and $12.95 for each DVD. --Maria B. Murad, Apple Valley, Minn. 14. Rejuvenate after an overnight flight. Put a clean, dry washcloth in a Ziploc bag and pack it in your carry-on. Right before landing, ask the flight attendant for a cup of hot (not boiling) water. Very carefully pour the water into the Ziploc bag, and then wipe your face and hands with the steaming cloth. It's almost like having a portable sauna! --Henrietta Scarlett Ober, Rexford, N.Y. 15. Treat yourself to a golf-ball foot massage. During a long flight, or afterward in your hotel room, take off your shoes, put a golf ball on the floor, and roll it under your foot. It's a great stress reliever. Practice a bit before you try it on a plane, so that your ball doesn't go rolling down the cabin, tripping other passengers. --Dawn Yadlosky, Centerville, Ohio 16. Accidentally reformat a camera's memory card? As long as you don't overwrite the disk by taking more photos, those original pictures are still stored there. Buy another card to use in the meantime, and then, when you get home, either purchase a file-recovery software program at a computer store (about $35) or take the card to a camera shop and see if they can help. --Julie Mancini, Dunnellon, Fla. 17. A Frisbee makes a wonderful cosmetics tray. You'll be able to quickly and easily move frequently used makeup items from the hotel bedroom dresser to the bathroom vanity and back again. It sure beats digging around in a cosmetics bag for that lipstick which always seems to be hiding at the bottom. --Brenda Riggins, Dunedin, Fla. 18. Keep your accessories organized. When I go on a trip that requires me to accessorize a number of outfits, I buy sandwich-size Ziploc bags and place the appropriate jewelry/scarf/ panty hose in each one. Then I punch a hole just big enough to slide the bag over the outfit's hanger. This way, my panty hose stay snag-free, and my jewelry never gets lost. --Gina Beyer, New York, N.Y. 19. Pamper yourself on long flights. Create your own comfort kit--the kind that a few international airlines still give their first- and business-class passengers. Fill a Ziploc bag with some lip balm, a travel toothbrush and toothpaste, a small bottle of hand lotion, a sleep mask, a pair of socks, and some eyedrops. Don't forget to bring a bottle of water, too. --Carolyn Whitman, Gulf Breeze, Fla. 20. Banish those stale hotel-room odors. I always pack several tea lights, a small vial of essential oils, and some matches. Tea lights (when set in a water glass for extra safety) will get rid of any unpleasant smells in hotel rooms. The essential oils work wonders when a drop is placed on a warm lightbulb. --Stephanie Hartselle, Chicago, Ill.

Online Resource Guide: Accommodations

ACCOMMODATIONS General All-hotels.com: U.K.-based booking engine with a massive supplier base and 100,000 properties listed Cheapaccommodation.com Search discounted deals on hotels, villas, B&Bs, and hostels around the world Hotelbook.com Search independent hotels and other alternative properties Hotelchatter.com Blog with user world-wide hotel news and reviews Hotelconxions.com Agency that promises "exclusive deals" to customers who book over the phone Condos & Apartments Crhmaui.com Maui condo rentals Cyberrentals.com US properties for rent by owner Rentalo.com Vacation rentals world-wide, including testimonials Resortquest.com US resort property rentals Resortime.com Luxury resort condos North America SeasideRentals.com Vacation rentals in Maine Therightvacationrental.com European vacation property rentals Vacationstation.com Lake Tahoe vacation rentals Vrbo.com Vacation Rentals By Owner; properties world-wide Inns & B&Bs BedandBreakfast.com A database of 28,000 B&Bs worldwide, including nearly 6,000 with photos and expanded descriptions that can be booked through the site English-Inns.co.uk More than 500 historic hotels and country inns in England Ozbedandbreakfast.com 14,000 B&Bs in Australia and New Zealand Rustic Agriturismo.com Italy's association of more than 1,000 farmstays and countryside villas and B&Bs DudeRanch.org 120 places for pretend cowpokes in the western U.S. and Canada EstanciasArgentinas.com Hundreds of Argentinian ranches that welcome day and overnight visitors Gites-de-France.fr France's resource for 55,000 guesthouses, B&Bs, apartments, and chalets, almost all of which are in rural locations Nzhomestay.co.nz Dozens of homes and farms in New Zealand that rent rooms; the same company operates Australianhomestay.com One of a Kind HistoricHotelsofEurope.com Collection of 16 extraordinary lodging associations with more than 800 properties in total, including Austrian castles, Portuguese pousadas, Irish manor houses, and countryside hotels in Sweden Parishotels.com Database of more than 100 one-to-four star hotels (many intimate and family-run) cherry-picked by the local founders. Restaurant and sightseeing information too. TravelIntelligence.com Some 3,500 hotels handpicked by 120 travel writers, and you can search by categories such as Urban Hideaways, Barefoot Luxury, Budget Chic, and Off the Beaten Track Uhotw.com Unusual Hotels of the World lists 137 art galleries, lighthouses, prisons, caves, and other unique places to spend the night Inexpensive Cheapaccommodation.com More than 35,000 places to stay, ranging from hostels to five-star hotels, though properties tend to skew toward the low-end. Like sister site Cheapflights, it doesn't search availability Venere.com Italy-based booking site for 12,000 European properties--including one- and two-star hotels overlooked by other sites, as well as B&Bs, apartments, pensions, and hostels. Town maps showing property locations are especially helpful Viaggiaedormi.it For Italy: Hundreds of moderate hotels (most rated three stars or less), as well as pensions, B&Bs, apartment rentals, and agritourism stays. Eco-Friendly Travel Greenglobe21.com Research sustainable travel and ecotourism Grist.org Environmental news and commentary Hut-Hiking Alpineclubofcanada.ca Official site of Canada's national mountaineering organization Doc.govt.nz Official site of New Zealand's Department of Conservation Huts.org Site of network that coordinates outdoor adventures in Colorado Rockies back-country "huts Outdoors.org Official site of the Appalachian Mountain Club Yosemitepark.com Official site of Yosemite National Park RVs Cruiseamerica.com Buy or rent recreational vehicles in the US and Canada Elmonterv.com Nation-wide motor home and RV rentals U.S. Campsites Freecampgrounds.com Cheap U.S. camp grounds for RVs Koa.com Network of campground across U.S., Canada, and Japan Woodalls.com One-stop website for campers with campground directories, gear, and destination information Page 1: General Resources | Health Page 2: Search Engines and Auctions Page 3: Transportation Page 5: Gadgets, Gear & Travel Tech Page 6: Free Travel | Volunteering Page 7: Recreation | Romance | Goofing Off Page 8: Travel Forums